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Tuesday, January 30

Somedays' joker :+)

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平常既一個朝早, 隔鄰 dept 某某放完大假
返到自己座位, 都仲未坐低...

哎~ 好耐無見啦~ 好掛住你呀~

隔鄰 dept 個姣婆 K 漫不經心咁投放左個超級核彈

當時我忍笑忍得好鬼辛苦, 佢一行開左即刻笑到我趴左係枱度, 眼淚水都標埋 m(_ _)m
其實佢係度撈左唔短時間, 職位又唔低, 仲咁搏殺都唔知為咩.

"係囉, KK你咁可愛, 不如以後由你同佢 deal, 應該掂喎"

原來我 d 同事都係玩野到無朋友 (|| ゚д゚)


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Can anyone guess where it is ?

每次到醫院, 總是為女人去
前女友啦, 外婆啦, 老媽啦, Wing Po 啦, 還有很多...

下一次仍然會是因為女人而去吧 ?

Just practice with my new DC

Sunday, January 28

I wanna (ver3.5 plus)

1 comment
(originally posted on 3/1/07)
我想 ...
1. 再去塔門
2. 再去流浮山
3. 飲醉一次, 喊一次
4. 睇四仔 (講極都無人信, 我真係一隻都未睇過, 十萬個未睇過!! 三級係有, 最多都係蘇菲瑪素既<心火>, 或者<性教慾><鋼鐵教師>果 d)
5. Citizen Eco Drive Vitro (五年前要 4000, 終於等到半價. What r u waiting for?)
6. 聯絡返我傷害過既人 (especially, 葉兒 & Louise)
7. 同好耐無見過好朋友聚舊 (波哥, Isaac, Martin, 阿傑, 阿峰, 阿輝, 我會好快追上黎)
8. 一次睇晒 X-FILES 全部七季
9. 搬去 P座十樓 (朝早起身有雀仔叫, 望出窗外見唔到馬路, 空氣好, 夏天涼, 點解相距唔到一百米既兩個單位會咁大分別?)
10. 去旅行,就算唔係英國日本,都想去吳哥窟,印度,尼泊爾 (Dun ask me why ( ′-`)y )


樓下唔知幾時加左個咁得意既牌. P 座同 O 座真係好近, 點解老媽係都要 O 座 ?

Thursday, January 25


1 comment
最後既 9 日大假, 日日訓到天昏地暗.
已經有一個月無著過柔道袍, 我就快變化石.
唔知幾時開始有咁既"典"床習慣, 差唔多鬧鐘響時會自動伸手按停佢, 再成個人縮落被度 (連枕頭都唔要, 包保無野嘈到你). 縮左落去當然左典右典整亂晒張床, and then 再訓過

難得有少少時間, 用新既 Cannon Ixus 850 練習一下



只有 City Super 有得賣既無添加洗顏 Cream.只需$55, 就洗到我咁白(!)囧.
尼隻野真係好用, 絕對好過咩野 clean & clear, OXY磨沙潔面. 中學時用過一星期 B 字頭磨沙潔面膏, 老爸問我去邊度玩曬到咁黑 OTL.

特價 esprit monogram 裇, 仲有全房最貴最唔抵既 Porter+Beams Boy pouch Bag. (無幾多人信咁細個袋要過千, 不過肯定無人同我撞)

突然間好師奶 XD

Wednesday, January 24

If I just lay here...

2 comment

Nick Brandt present ver., the original by Snow Patrol is quite different.Which one you prefer?

Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars

We'll do it all
On our own

We don't need
Or anyone

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

I don't quite know
How to say
How I feel

Those three words
Are said too much
They're not enough

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life

Let's waste time
Chasing cars
Around our heads

I need your grace
To remind me
To find my own

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life

All that I am
All that I ever was
Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see

I don't know where
Confused about how as well
Just know that these things will never change for us at all

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Such a sentimental song, but not yet enough to express what I feel right now.

If I lay here on the Tatami inside Judo court, I question:
"What am I fighting for? And what are you fighting for?"

If I lay here next to ones, I wonder:
"Would you mind if the mate is me ?"

If I lay here in my bed, I enjoy all my music collection with my Victor HPD710, await the brand new day.

If I lay here in my bed with a bad mood, I take my mobile and chat with someone I miss.

Right here right now, it is going to happen, but I can do nothing about it, even can't say it with my own words, I feel dismal. Try hard not to drop tear.

Just wanna lay here and forget all this world.

Sunday, January 21

胸きゅんサプリ (ver2.1)

2 comment
好音樂真係不妨貼多 d

Yuria 隊 Band, Honey Bee 既<<胸きゅんサプリ>>
佢唱腔 Cute 得來又可以唱得好火爆 (?), 彈結他又正.
除左 Suede, Yuria 算係我最鐘意既 band sound.
Σ(゚Д゚;≡;゚д゚) 聽到我 fing 晒頭XD

YURIA-plugged-HOSOI 「Happy tea time」

一直都想買既 3rd single: Happy Tea Time

唔係講笑,應該幾似直髮時既 Sailor V,唔知本人見到有咩反應
:-p :((爆´∀`))ヶラx2


呀... 都係唔聽 Yuria...
聽貝多芬 Sonata fur Klavier Nr.8-Pathetique Adagio cantabile, 有 D 想喊...

應某專家要求, 另外送上 Suede 既 Beautiful ones.
剪接技巧好得意, 唱到對應既歌詞, 會出現對應既物件.
專家不愧係專家, 聽到既野都唔同 D.


4 comment
Been to another stupid date, the gal I thought will never see again. But it is the fact, we meet again.

Frankly, since that case 4 years ago, I do mind about my partner's brain, rather than her look. She doesn't need to be as miscellaneous as Udata Hikaru, sings like Misia, pretty as Renee Zewellger or professional like Dr. Jane Goodall. At least she got to have her own taste and style. I couldn't bear life would be so dull, if there is no music and sense of taste .

Is that requesting too much ?

Saturday, January 20

パンダ危機 !!

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I've got 1 week not back to office. The first thing, sure is the EMAIL, more than 50 unread mail, got my mailbox exploded again XD.

And then, the SIP dept. encountered the biggest crisis, more troublesm than ever.....

Dennis Wong is believed to be the first victim, his desktop was infected when he was using VPN remote desktop at home, we suspect the origin is his own PC.

YK Wong is the second victim, he cried "What is this butterfly about ?" while he cannot open any .EXE file.

The third victim is Keith Lau, his desktop shows the same problem as YK's. Unlike YK, Keith notices it is not a butterfly, it is a panda.

Here begin the tragedy, everyone starts talking about the panda.
Ladies and gals scream "It is so lovely~".
Guys discuss how computer is infected "Probably from pornographic web" "Ya~ any free AV ?"

People keep on talking and laughing, but not working, all forget the most important thing:
is to open firewall, and then update virus director.

Therefore, half of SIP computers are infected. Poor them, YK has no other solution, but to back up all his files into USB driver.

SIP is wiped out within 3 hours.
Luckily, some teammates (including me) & the main sever survive. The virus itself is not quite destructive, but people are lack of awareness towards crisis.

Let's have a look on PANDA

Thursday, January 18

What will people do ,if they know someone is leaving ?

2 comment
連放緊大假既人都知, 唔洗問, 全個 department 既人都已經知道晒!

囧 崮 莔 冏 商 圀 囶

其實我都處理得好低調, 真係無諗過大家咁快會知(仲要係全部人),佢地已經準備緊 farewell. 突然間攪到咁隆重....

唔知... 隔離 PPP 既 Jackal, Lisa 同 Claudia 知道會有咩反應 ? :p

Wednesday, January 17

This is the India

2 comment
If it is not the news of HSBC, most Hong Kong peoples' knowledge about India is still limited to Curry, Dalahsim in Street Fighter II and Yoga excercise. They dun even notice India has became such an advanced technology super power for years.

Recently there are some Indian MV widely forwarded by, people just laugh and laugh. I see no cheapness, but elegance, the dance is well organized (pretty sure since I performanced dancing on the sports day last year), the screenplay and storyboard are all perfect combination, music rhythm is easy to follow. Much more better than most of the HK productions.

Here is another cool MV from India, the chick is hot, isn't she?

Can't help dreaming to have a journey to India real soon.

Someone in Johnson's, Someday in Enterprise Sq.

1 comment
Somewhere inside Enterprise Square, can u guess what happen ?

竟然係企業廣場撞到同班同學 Eric, 原來佢去左 Johnson Controls.

Johnson Controls 就係我第一份 Offer.

05 Aug, 我算係最遲搵到工既一批, 入到大 firm 無耐兼加人工, 好天真咁以為"就係咁簡單"
唔知 HR 同上層有咩唔妥, 簽新約之後兩星期, 無收過任何 Warning 通知就 Term.左我.

中秋個個同學都有野做(當然 show off 下一式一樣既 LV, Chanel, Sharp SX633), 人生真係趺到去谷底.
e+ 個個轉晒做 sub 仔, 仲大把人要返大陸/澳門(對佢地黎講,有得威都唔定 =.=)

呵呵, 我先係 main con., 邊個點邊個~

其實我都幾懷念 Johnson 既日子. 辛苦都無所謂, OT 有 OT 既樂趣. 仲識到 d 朋友, Isaac, Ken, Jossephie 仲有 Elaine (ok, I admit prefer sister/lady rather than stupid gals, it was a silly idea to date her at Disney XD).

之後其他鬼佬 firm, 一 D 去到 2nd in, 一 D有offer. 雖然就算 Johnson 唔炒, PCCW 既 offer 我都會揀, 但係都唔洗攪到最差既情況 ga. 或者 Sales 部真係唔岩我, 不過... 如果唔係果段時期, 我亦都鍛鍊唔到 interview 技巧同交際手腕.

當然, 我知道 Eric 人工幾多 }:-o , 希望佢做得開心吧

今日實在太忙, 唯有掉低隻女史力加(So mean! :-p)自己一個做晒 The Link d 野, 真係十萬個抱歉, 應該請佢食野賠罪.

Monday, January 15


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1. 拉麵和音樂
銅鑼灣 Kingston Street康奄拉麵, 九州湯底水準相當唔錯. 特別係餃子,菜同肉既比例好好,仲有汁煮豚肉, 醬汁既味唔會太濃, 本身係肥肉, 但係口感好滑又唔太膩, 咪即係東坡肉既改良版. 日本拉麵根本係黎自中國,餃子,"汁煮豚肉"等等食味亦都好中式, 日式叉燒咪又係中式鹵肉 ~ 日本好多野都係抄人再改良下就當係自己既野.

音樂方面都係, Misia係公認正宗既 R&B 歌手, 係出名, 但總係得唔到日本國內既廣泛認同, 反而食住當時 R&B 熱後起既宇多田光, 倉本麻衣等人, 除左唔同包裝, 唔多唔少都同鐘意抄人既特性有關.

以宇多田光為例, 兩張 album 都仲係好有 R&B 風格, 但係到 Deep River 時, 好多作品好似 Sakura Drops, Traveling 等等都係電子味好濃, 全碟大概只有一半好似 ASAP, Letters 等算得上係 R&B. 再去到最新 album, 完全搵唔到可以分類成 R&B 既作品, This is Love,Keep Trying, Blue, 日曜之朝等主打曲都係電子樂, 日曜之朝都勉強算係 R&B, 中間有好強節奏感既 Bass 串連全首歌, 剩下既 海路, Be my last 等全部都係慢板歌.

話宇多田光係 R&B, 不如話佢係用易聽易入口既電子風格去演繹 R&B 既節奏感.當然,本人亦好鐘意佢既音樂(特別係 Ultra Blue, 成日播), 當有人問我日本有邊個歌手係唱 R&B.

我話: 除左 Misia,仲有小柳由紀

2. 日劇

"這個 ...我很快就要離開了"
"是工作的 assignment 嗎?"
".... 待會我再告訴你吧"

Leo: 邊套日劇 ? 囧

唔關飲酒事,我都唔想俾人睇到我面紅個樣 ga

3. 傳通天

出左 site 既 Corvus 係
一個星期前由 suppose 唔會知既 William 口中聽返來, 已經全世界都知, 真係無得救 XD

"Yeah! 學英文~ 溝鬼妹~"
"I like English"
"I like English too"
"I like English 3"

真是敗給你們了 m(_ _)m
我先唔係 d 咁既人, 只不過...


≡ ∧_∧   ∧_∧
≡(#`Д )⊃;; )Д`)・゚.・
≡/つ  /  ⊂ ⊂/

我斯文, 但係我想打人 @皿@

Saturday, January 13

海邊的卡夫卡 (二)

2 comment
來到下冊, 一半的進度
和以前的看書速度比, 真是慢太多了, 中六那時, <<蘇菲的世界>>和<<紙牌的秘密>>花了四天就幹掉了 ( ′-`)y

前言徹回. 前半的還只限於性幻想, 現在是性行為了 囧.
** && 和 ## 等字眼出現得太頻密了吧?

嘿咻? 嘿咻嘿咻, 嘿咻 !

重點不放在這個上, 雖然中間引用到的希臘文學我是不太懂, 本書其實滿有哲學和思考性, 像是對... 命運和預言的理解, 男人和女人, 客體和實體, 上帝的形象, etc. 還好不是<<紙牌的秘密>>那樣, 說是什麼很精密懸疑的東東, 去~~, 不過是用一對父子的對話來說哲學罷了. 這個不能怪作者, 因為對象是小孩子.

還有很強調都市人的疏離感, 對自己身為都市人的身份的不認同, 唔... 怎樣說 ... 很像狎井守在 WXIII 表達那種感覺:

(從 1:05 開始是 WXIII 中 Kenji Kawai 的 their daily life, 可惜沒有 the detective :-p ) (*). 這個感覺對我也是差不多啦, 身為香港人竟然不知道<真情>的主題音樂. 電視是有看的, 但都是外語頻道和 nat. geo. , 所以遲了去換智能身分證都不知道 囧.

(*) movie uploaded & edited by STUDIO KONG

Thursday, January 11

I love CD 2

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Thx to Leo, I poss the tekken 5 DR OST box accidentally, only take me $68! Unbelievable!
NAMCO always add amazing techno sound bit to brand series.
I could tell no other developer would pay such great effort for the game music, no mention to set up their own sound team.

The one nearby is Coming Up by Suede

Tuesday, January 9

Price of Gentleness

2 comment
真係唔認命都唔得 ||OTL

I've already get used to be labeled as GENTLE, just wanna show people, I am much more rather than gentleness. Do I have a choice ?

Monday, January 8

Make my day in PCCW

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埋到自己位. contract 寫 9:30, who care ;-p

 _   ∩            
( ゚∀゚)彡 Σ(;  ̄□ ̄)ハァハァ  
(  ⊂彡
Corvus Lee 由後面"啪啪"兩聲講早晨. 我都話最憎人攪我後頸同肩膀 @皿@
強: 咦, 偶像今日轉新 look
都係 Lisa 姐好 D, cool D

7/F, 公仔麵係大家既朋友 XC====

開完會行出 conference room, 姣婆K: Yeah, 有房用.
當聽唔到 m(_ _)m

Amber 開始問"食飯未?". 當然, 未到一點鐘係無人會企起身.

表態, 今日食咩野, 左定右 ? Σ(゚Д゚;≡;゚д゚)

有可能係 Sport complex, 又可能係 Call center, 又可能係 Mapping dept, 多數唔係自己位.
高 sir: 喂, 0靚仔, 你邊組 ga你 ?
你理得我 =w=

MH Cheung: 仲唔走 ? 好快 d 走啦, 走時唔好轉頭望返黎

Tommy: 仲坐係度扮勤力, 無錢收 ga

鬼咩, 聽日開始忙 O___TL

Saturday, January 6

I love 2nd hand

3 comment
因為要到 Meinhart 取文件, 午飯打後又有一點空閒時間.
到灣仔的二手 CD 店逛逛吧, 半年時間沒來過, 至少有 3 只 CD 想要

1. Misia 的 Singer for Singer

2. 島谷瞳的 GATE-scena III

3. 椎名へきる 的 Face to Face

可惜是沒有 Yuria 的 CD, 她是少數我會喜歡的 band sound, 音樂 rock 得來又很 cute, Kiss me, Wish, Soul mate 和 La La Bye 這些真是百聽不厭

$99 的原裝日版初回 Album, 實在太吸引了, 可以的話我想全都買回來 ╮(﹀_﹀" )╭

最後揀了 Misia 的
和上兩隻作品 Kiss in the sky 和 Mars and Roses 有著很明顯的不同.
本作不再是典型的那種 R&B, 亦沒有強調 Misia 招牌的巨大肺容量 (汗)
多得多位音樂人的協力 (當中有玉置浩二, 藤井郁彌, Chara 等等), 而加入了很多不同元素, 其中 #5 君だけがいない世界 的拉丁舞曲風格最特別, #6 Birthday Cake 也很動聽, 雖然是和生日有關, 但請別在人家生日時播放.

總的來說, 若不是對以前那個高聲歌頌愛的 Misia 特別執著, 這一隻 Singer for Singer 是很不錯的

Thursday, January 4

海邊的卡夫卡 (一)

2 comment
好辛苦... 去到 四分一的進度


果然 , 村上春樹的作品往往加入很多日本小男人式的性幻想, 未免太密集了吧? 這不是浪漫, 是露骨

唔 ... 三個主線交織出來的神秘事件, 手法是很有趣, 有點電影的感覺, 不是一般小說常見的手法.

以現在的進度看來... 說是奇幻小說比較像吧

Wednesday, January 3


0 comment
新果隻女史力加 (forgive me, can't think of any adjective), 我都唔會因為人地個樣而介意人, 觀察耐 d 就真係想講

1. 烏煙瘴氣既茶餐廳,食完野竟然懶天真咁雙手托腮, 唔知佢件冷衫點算. 樣唔靚唔識打扮唔緊, 唔該動作唔好咁失儀.

2. "咖哩雞 d 咖哩同一碗分開上既咖哩汁都差唔多 ga la ?" (你係女仔嗎 ?)

3. "咩野係膽機 ?" (你中大 EE 3 年時間讀咩野? 叉燒嗎 ?)

結論: 恐龍女, 內外都一樣不可閱

有時我都幾 mean :p

Awakening from ordinary life

0 comment
終於返到 office

開 email, 50 封 unread mail, mail box 爆炸

新年第一日返工就見到姣婆 K 著住桃紅色套裝, 再"艾"住我個位講電話. 我 d 細薯空間好細,一張枱支撐三塊木板, 唔多抵受到佢既訓身壓制, 壓多兩壓我驚會頂唔住, 唯有暫時避難.


企業廣場交貨開工, 黎緊一個星期又會忙過

好多零食,椰子糖, 魷魚絲, 個個旅行星馬泰既手信, 一係返大陸"浸溫泉"(汗). 就係連果一 d 既品味都無嗎

頭仲係好痛, 放縱自己兩晚... 我都係唔適合太夜訓, 算啦, 咁樣過除夕都係第一次, 最好唔好有下次

全日雙眼半開合, 成個貓樣咁 =W=

Anyway, looks like I am back to my ordinary life, for a short period