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Tuesday, February 27


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多得德國佬傳授秘技, 有笑有淚多次意外之後, 我竟然識整意粉, 真係諗唔到d 大少都會煮野食, 仲要真係好食!! 煙肉白汁磨茹, 茄汁肉醬(無計,我太鐘意蕃茄), 意粉寬麵螺絲粉, 完全無難度, 遲d要試下咖哩同西班牙海鮮汁~

I dun mind spending a whole day by my own, enjoy under the blue sky.
But it's ok, if the mate is u.

返到來除左飲餐勁既, 一定要搵死士試下我d手勢, he he he ╯▽╰

總算混得入外人社群, 不過老爸由細到大, 引以為傲既英文, 即使 AL UE C 同
IETLS6.5 都係無鬼用.聽到睇到又寫到, 最大問題係講野. 就算平時用英文思考, 始終香港平時實在太少機會講. 好啦, UP 得出, 可能人地唔識果個字, 因為好多歐洲鬼平時講英文都唔會用太多生字, 而且佢地都好習慣某 D口音, 平時左學右學(好似我XD)果D, 佢地會好混淆. 香港教育簡直係 shxt, 特別係語文同人文科學, 拿到A都係晒氣.

受某人誤導開始睇 Sex & the city “惡補英文”, 睇落又有條癮, 點解無我最愛既 X-files =W=

Meanwhile d “Bo冬瓜”組建 Chinese Town, 仲有d印尼所謂高幹子弟, 連個license都係買返來, 唔怪得有d鬼唔鐘意華人la…

播得最多既仍然係 Suede, 宇多田光, 川井憲次同黃耀明, 最近聽返 The Cranberries同 Coldplay.

突然收到 Anson 唔撈既消息, 我仲見唔見到 Lisa 同 Claudia 呢...

Monday, February 26

Let's go Waterfall

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“Are you going to the Waterfall tonight ? ”

Failure, all Gwai Lo can't help laughing at this.

In the very beginning, me and the German thought we are heading to a waterfall. But when we come to the fact, it is Waterfrod, clubbing in a place called WATERFROD.

Alcohol, cheers, swinging your head, rock band, plus, a few Paris Hilton like creatures. It isn’t that chaos as I thought. Yes, people go mad with the music, move their bodies without reason, boys and girls hug together, everyone can be your friend here. But no drugs, no violence, no sex (as I can see), not even a cigarette in the pool.

At the end, the security said they collect a lost mobile and lost wallet. If it is HK, it must be possessed by others just a moment.

May be this is the real difference between Gwai Lo Gwai Mui and Chinese society.

Go Go Jungle

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WWW,WWW,stupid workaholic ah li ma su~


◢∞◥★©- 距離〒★市約19 公里,是一個古意盎然的海港城市。一走進◢∞◥★©, 便彷如時光倒流般回到十九世紀時。因這裡的建築物已被,當地政府列入保護古蹟, 所以整個城市也保留著一百年前的風貌。值得參觀的地方有Army Museum of $@#%^_+=$(!@軍事博物館),◢∞◥★© Prison (XXX前監獄)及只在逢星期五、六、日開放的 ◢∞◥★© Market(XXX市場)等。

如果想體驗一下‎◢∞◥★©的 Quality of Life Style,可以坐在海港傍邊的露天茶座一邊享受著極具風味及份量的 Fish & Chips,一邊親身感受一下旅遊書籍經常描述的藍天碧海,還有就是在某些地方永遠也不能欣賞得到這樣藍得不能再藍的天空及那份悠閒的感覺-------

ref. by wikipedia

這裡沒有shopping mall, 可以食到用古式煙囪烤爐烤的 Pizza, 可以看著海喝咖啡, 到處探險, 看動物. 如果有女人陪我來◢∞◥★©, 我就直接娶她好了.

Tuesday, February 20

Here they come the new companions

4 comment
個德國佬徙手開樽蓋, 睇到我呆左. 更驚訝係佢五之內”攪掂”, 雖然對象係同鄉,不過真係有夠手快,五體投地 (Dun say you dunno what it’s all about, you mother fooker~)

Life in a small village is that simple.


美國人比較難應付, 佢一知你係中/港/台就會超臭串, 抵打~ }:-D, 特別係講野yo yo 聲果d. 女人反而無咁麻煩.

其他歐洲人大部分都唔錯, French, Italian 比較易玩, Australian好casual, British 最多野傾. 香港人成日懷念殖民政府, 都唔知人地 British 幾咁鐘意去香港玩

2個鬼妹都話jealous, K2你e個高度 & 膚色, 真係無得救...

Wanna get prey or be prey ?

Sunday, February 18


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Finally access to this blog again, as soon as you people find it updated, I am not dead yet :p

Pacific Ocean, dawn of new life
Into the light, over pacific ocean

Intelligent here is terrible. People are too slow.
How could they claim themselves the most advanced superpower beside the western ?
Sunlight is the most fatal element, thought I would be melten to death somedays.

With the helpful German next door, things are getting right.

Just think about the damn workaholic...
What is promise meant to her ?

Duel to the stupid network, I won't be able to write blog as usual as before. But I've taken many great photo, check it out yourself.

Oh, btw, thank you Fanki~ I won't survive without your generous support.

Monday, February 12

約束 (ver. 1.2)

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從來沒想過,地鐵月台竟然是讓我和很多老朋友再次撞面的地方 (一個是偶然, 五個是...我太顯眼了吧? 笑)

首先要說的當然是我的家人, 之後是中學同學, IBA 的同學, 柔道部的所有朋友, Johnson co. 的同事, 8/F OPPD 的一眾老人家, 13/F SIP 全部同事, PPP 的同事(特別是女的 XD), 租我家住的外國人老兄, 各火星人, 還有版友們.

女生的話... 以前的不說了, Wing Po =w=, Louise, 翠, Cherry, Sophie 和 Theresa. 我會記得相處的時候,讓我上了寶貴的一課.

真的很感謝所有人, 我之所以是現在的我,是因為多得大家的教導,分享,和一直以來包容我的少爺脾氣 (Louise 說這是小姐脾氣). 我真的很喜歡大家, 男的最好讓我摑兩巴, 女的讓我親一下 =3=

信用是對人的承諾,做人的信念.一時口花花答應了人會送禮物, 我就買回家,包裝好再送給她.這和她好不好沒關係的. ”那傢伙”大概不懂得武士的信用

只剩下那個變態工作狂, 就是聽我說句話也不行...
不, 算了, 是她的話, 應該能夠理解的

我大概會想聽黃耀明的<唱機>, 我應該會在客運大堂某個角落哭的...

Saturday, February 10

外人の妹がもっといい !!

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果然呢, PPP的 Claudia, Jackal 仲有 Lisa 聽到我請食野都好驚訝 :0, 又真係突然左 d.

公司對我實在太好 OTL, 日日大小飯局/party/farewell/dating, 我有一個星期無返過屋企食飯, 就快虛脫死, 我諗有一段時間唔會再踏入中式酒樓.


I do envy those can do the Saudi Arabia project, do you?

當我派西餅派到去 Anson...

A: Hen.....
有咩好消息? 又會派我既 ?

K2: 實情係, 我將會***, 反正你 dept. 裡面我識人唔多

A: 好事呀, 真係恭喜晒 wor. 不過...係都派俾 K姐 la


大佬, 佢雖然成日""住我個位講電話, 但係我絕少同佢講野, 佢果張"後宮 checklist"裡面一定無我份

聽最多既說話唔係"一路順風", 而係...

1. 溝多幾個鬼妹
2. 小心鬼妹
3. 唔好掛住溝鬼妹

連家明教練都咁講, WTF !!

Wednesday, February 7

Someday, Somewhere, in the rain (ver. 1.1)

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16:30, 地鐵去到九龍塘,石硤尾,太子一帶, 我先記得起, 原來已經有好耐無係 e 個時段搭車, 差唔多全部都係學生.

Time machine, HK island somewhere, I will miss this place anyway.

歡笑, 喧嘩, 講是講非, 追明星, 手執 yes, 另一手執 lv , 粗框眼鏡, 男既成身臭汗, 女則個個電髮, 似返工多過返學.

突然間諗起剛剛中六某一日, 放學.
2000 Autumn @ NMC

Natalie Wu, 一齊攪學會, 隔鄰 bio 班, repeat 一年, 比我大兩歲 (sure not taller than me, impossible anyway~)

平常既一日, 返學等放學. 原本同班同學係前面行, 轉頭一望.

佢見到我, 我又見到佢

同同學 say bye bye, 放慢腳步等我跟上去. 一齊行到去培正大馬路, 從大一個碼既冷衫袖口伸出手, 捉住我.

"小心呢, d 貨車司機唔睇人~"

就咁開始拖住行, 我都覺得佢唔錯呢, 但係緊張, 不知所措, 又無經驗...

"我最鐘意斯文既男仔, 你都幾斯文~"
"呀... 係嗎? 囧"
(what am I supposed to say?)


完全唔識應對, 一路亂講野一路手拖手行到去地鐵站.
臨走時只係攞左一組 6 個位既number,當然唔係電話.
相信你一定會問 "尼個係唔係男人!?" (╬° ° )╯~ ┴─┴
後來我嘗試搵佢, 佢亦都有搵返我.但係我竟然避開佢, 佢亦都開始避我.
之後呢... 各自有自己既日子. 我呢... philander, 放縱過, 沉溺過, 總係闖禍先知錯. 同時係班中變得超唔受歡迎, 男女都係, 不過同其他班又玩得埋. 雖然咩野都無發生過, 但係都相當曖昧, 仲有 rumor 傳出.

all days dating 既超級荒廢中六七生活...

確實既答案, 心裡面點諗, 記得係中七後期先至同佢講, 坦白誠實咁講出來

如果人與人之間既關係可以簡單一 d 就好呢...
如果當時係另一個結局, 大概...中六七既生活會完全唔同, 應該會更加努力讀書, 日子過得更加充實.
Alright alright ~ may be it is just coincidence, I admit that I prefer lady/sister. I like her, and of course I miss her, wonder how she is doing in USA, been a vet already ? Wanna share the animal knowledge I learn these years~


只不過... 地鐵車廂太嘈了吧 ? www

Saturday, February 3

One more victim

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The problem due to the Panda virus is not over yet.
There is one more victim, with absence in his own seat for 1 month, everyone hardly remember his participation, TY Cheung.

Such a lovely panda

And again, it was me to do the IT support =W=#, gotta work with 2 computers (ORLY, not again)

Exactly the same thing I do SOHO at home T_T

Finally back to the Judo court, physical condition isn't that bad as I predict.
Luckily, 空翻動作仍然無問題, 凌空跳過四個人sure 無 難 度.
My best record was 8.
Just feeling not very well with the dizziness inside my head after series of rolling @@

Power for life(*)

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Our task is laugher, we must learn to wear
its farthest implication in our souls
ands fashion our years out of the mocking flare
of ultimate drolleries, else cajoles
a greater wisdom from the rotting years?
Who else inherits earth's 2 hemispheres?(**)


剛剛睇 David Attenborough 新既靈長類特輯 Social Climbers

由馬騮猩猩既社群行為開始, 嘗試解釋人類原始封建社會既起源. 唔好笑, 了解動物行為往往會研究人類行為心理提供重要參考資料, 更何況係 DNA 同我地 99% 相似既黑猩猩 ?

萬年前非洲地理開始改變, 森林變成草原同沼澤.

黑猩猩既結構原本係專為樹上活動而特化, 但係隨住地形改變, 樹上競爭多左, 愈來愈難搵食, 當然就要落去地面 la.

一路上四腳爬爬都無問題, 但係要過河涉水就麻煩 la, 帶住細路仔女點算? 又真係俾佢地諗到, 仔女就抱係手上 (好似抱 hello kitty :-p) 或揹係後面. 父母就舉起雙手高過水位. 原本要黑猩猩雙腳站立係好困難, 但係當水位到腰或胸部時, 多得水既支撐令到站立行動容易好多. 睇住 d 黑猩猩一家大細過河個樣真係笑死我 XD

氣候轉變, 地貌改變, 攪到搵食艱難, 再加上結構上既演變, 就係咁, 人類既祖先(***)踏出第一步. 原來一切都係為左 ...

係非洲踏出既第一步, 同埋係月球踏出既第一步, 相距 350 萬年, 演化史上只不過係一舜間.
D ? ;-9

(*) Title from Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere
poem by anthropologist Ruth Benedic
(***) I dun mind if Christians regard me as pilgrim of
Erasmus Darwin's theory :-p