- calculating, computing, programming.
- running around, with the 3kg notebook.
- watch Sex & the city
- cooking, cleaning, laundry, i.e. housework.
- feed myself with lunch box, if no time to cook.
- fuel myself with espresso, if no time to eat.
- listen to music before I fall unconscious.
Every time close my eyes, tear flush out, my eyes are so tired.
Both German and I are exhausted, they are pretty good on keeping people busy.
收到舊同事、客同vendor o既 email,表示我有做過野。企業廣場5期就快 Grand Open 啦~
Goals for the remaining days:
- survival
- get back onto the judo court
- able to cook more Italian cuisine
- clubbing with German & Gwai Lo Gwau Mui, if manage to survive
Upon the pleasantness of 2 charming Gwai Mui, I show my sleepless & depressed pale face in return. Sorry gals, just a hit at the moment I was abso-fuxxing-lutely busy.
賤 賤 賤
男 男 男
男 男 男
!!! !!! !!!
三 三 三
次 次 次
, , ,
我並不是想嘲笑你, 但我真的
次 次 次
, , ,
我並不是想嘲笑你, 但我真的
笑 笑 笑
了 了 了
。 。 。
了 了 了
。 。 。
Thx to my strong sense of detective,I burst into laugher for such a "discovery".
The beaming you,
Without a single word, you and I, would never get a whole picture on each one's side. That's what you find it funny ?
I do think about you, sometimes. Wonder about your dress, your hair, what u r doing, what music u r listening to.
Of course I like you. But it is no promise nor commitment, just faith. Nothing more than that. Should you please keep on misunderstanding.