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Friday, August 27


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當日去看《INCEPTION》排隊的人比 Transformer 和 Avatar 還要多上好多,果真是不看會 out 的大熱電影。拖了這麼久才講,其實那個夢中夢多層夢境也不是特別複雜難明。我英文爛,當中有好多心理學的專用字聽不懂,limbo 這字當時我是完全聽不懂的,以為是 limo (不是吧?? limo ?? =_=a 一般解作混沌會用 chaos 吧?)。基本上也不妨礙對劇情的理解。

實在太太太喜歡猜謎懸疑,自從斎藤在第一層夢境中槍後,便成為了整個任務的負累,我一直在想,搞不好他才是幕後大黑手,另外準備了些什麼陰謀要利用 Leonardo 這個遊夢專家。

《Juno》的 Ellen Page 我不喜歡,很美國鄉土的感覺,但在《INCEPTION》中又很不錯。唯有一直催眠自己 This is just the cosmetic, This is just the cosmetic, This is just the cosmetic.

看 trailer 時賣點之一是夢境的城市建築物會隨夢者本人的思想改變結構,但是劇情主要的三個夢境:下雨的城市、酒店和雪地這三個場境的設計都是日常所見的,本應可以來得天馬行空一點吧。大約 01 年也有部潛入夢境的電影《The cell》(移魂追兇),殺人犯的夢境可真是光怪陸離,當時看了真的很驚艷。

本片中真正讓人『哇』的大概只有把整個世界對摺起來的一刻,還有 Leonardo 和 Ellen page 在爆裂中的巴黎喝咖啡一幕。

最後一層的夢境,Leonardo 的夢中他把前妻的回憶建造成展覽會似的,在廢棄的街道上整齊的排放著他們住宿過的 apartment,陰陰灰灰的氣氛,倒是有點死亡、破壞的美感,令人窒息。

也不是那麼不濟,其實美術做得很好,只是有被 trailer 誤導的錯覺,被騙了。不得不說 Hans Zimmer 的配樂,總是能捉緊人心。很緊湊的電影,雖然距離 top 10 還有一定距離,但仍然很喜歡。

夢醒之後(Dream another dream)

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有好多次,夢境是自己由深海一直往上浮上,眼前一片漆黑。漸漸地見到穿透海面的陽光,映像變成蔚籃色,到接近水面的時候,看見水面下自己的倒影,因為從沒有減壓,由深水急速浮上,水壓的轉變讓我窒息。撞到水面的一剎那,我死了,也就醒來,整個背都是冷汗,這倒是和電影一樣。有時問朋友覺得這個夢有什麼意味,有人說在漆黑中看見署光,代表希望,又有人說夢見自己因為水壓而死,是現實生活中有好多壓力。也不是好明白,唔...勉強要說的話,幼年時看 James Cameron 的科幻電影《Abyss》,故事中深海探油船內設施受損,各成員被困海中,我問我爸直接浮上水面不就行了,爸說是因為減壓的問題,但又解釋得不清楚,自此每有關潛艇的電影,總是有些疑問。或者在無意中猜想那種死況有多痛苦,還是多爽快。


Deja vu,似曾相識的境像。開車以來,回停車場取車時偶爾也會迷惑,去了昨天泊車的地方白走一趟,又有些時候,就寢前會忘了自己刷了牙沒有(臉是不會忘了洗的,皮膚比較敏感)。有些生活的事情,日復一日,是忘了,還是根本不知道到底是為了什麼,我開始迷惘了,雙眼朦朧,熱水一直流著,拭抹鏡上的水蒸氣,拍拍自己的臉,打起精神來。
. . . . .


一年多前,夢到那個女人。大家熟悉的場所,一起用來 time killing 的那個商場,還是十幾年前仍未改建的那個舊模樣。夢中我是現在的我,閒逛著,她出現在我面前,質問我為什麼離開她,我問她當時為什麼那樣做,十萬個為什麼,漸漸地我變得無言,說不過她,我很內疚。看著眼前的她一句一句,胸口很痛,連呼吸很難受,辛苦死了。大概是因為真的好痛,我是痛死而醒的。

拜托,別要想我仍然喜歡她、掛念她,諸如此類的肉麻情節。是,有哭過苦惱過,也曾嚥不下飯。只是事情告一段落都好幾年了,老早就不是那麼看待人事,愈是遠離香港,愈是不認同,她的智識,她的學養,酒色財氣,那套中環價值,那副嘴臉,還不過是一般見識,她的一切一切, 十萬九千個不認同。


其實,不認同又怎麼樣? 我並不強求什麼共通話題興趣之類,現在問我的話,也想不出要求些什麼,並不期望別人變成另一個自己,我是可以接納別人的。我並不討厭那個女人,一早就 let go 了。





. . . . .

夢醒之後,一背冷汗,手在發麻,澳洲破曉的陽光特別刺眼,極力說服自己那面是真,那面是假。可美夢從不曾有,良辰美景原是幻,又何來美 ? 夢境以外,哪管甜不甜美,都得一一面對。

夢のあと 椎名林檎

椎名林檎的《夢のあと》,又據說,椎名林檎的演繹運用了好多 alveolar trill,德文 vowel 的一種,我不是語言或音樂的專業,就只是喜歡而已。

Thursday, August 19


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唔講 inception 得唔得丫 ?

哎也也,hard disk 都唔見過埋,無得重溫好多好電影,仲唔見左好多相。
. . . . .



something we will never see again

你答想學 mechanic,我實在覺得你好優秀。

Sunday, August 15

xxx (I can't think of)

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Can we not talk INCEPTION now?

Always feel so silly to say I miss you, but I just miss you, badly. Luckily I didn't dream of you, cause it must be sad to get out of it.

Oh What can I do ?

Kiss Kiss xxx MiChi

還在待你的身邊 why ?
I decided not to call you
卻又 Thinking about you all the time

Won't you tell me why?
但是一個人的 Time
卻又想聽到 Your voice

※ Why are you running away from this?
※ You should be true to your feelings
※ I say 不想再錯失 No way
※ But is it already too late ?

△ KiSS KiSS xxx
△ 第一次的 This Feeling
△ KiSS KiSS xxx
△ 快要停止了 My heart
△ 比起任何人 任何事
△ 更能明白這心情
△ I just cant stop

KiSS KiSS xxx
想要忘掉 This Feeling
KiSS KiSS xxx
But I'm blinded I'm Addicted
一瞬的 Our Happiness

沒有你在的時間 Oh it feel so long
經常 Confusion
Is this wrong?
這樣的 Situation

Let's stop right now
不要走 Please
Don't leave me
but 我卻不夠堅強

※ repeat
△ repeat

o KiSS KiSS xxx
o 顫抖的嘴唇
o KiSS KiSS xxx
o 最後一次
o 嘗到淚水的味道
o 可惜的 Timing
o 預料到的 Ending

Every time you try to run away
My heart will feel like gonna stop
I just dunno why, but I really want to see you again
Am I doing the wrong thing, I really don't know
Right now, I don't care

※ repeat
△ repeat
o repeat

Wednesday, August 4

His name is (Also sprach Zarathustra)

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Not a good time to talk Inception at the moment.

"But, sir, in Project Mayhem, we have no names."

"No, listen to me. This is a man and he has a name, and it's XXXX, okay?"

"I understand. In death, a member of Project Mayhem has a name."

. . . . .


起初我問 Kieran 為什麼告示要用日文寫成,他說如果三個人都會說日文的話,應該會很有趣。
. . . . .

This Aussie-Jap couple, husband is Kieran, wife is Yohko. They are so nice to me, they fry hand-made Gyoza for me, they share wine to me, I think I'm addicted to campari and cassis.

It is an ordinary afternoon, they invite me to event so called Pudding Festival. Yohko will make custard pudding there. Without hesitation, I give a yes. Who'd know this is just the beginning of nightmare.
. . . . .

Yohko's custard pudding, once I stroke the spoon into it, there is caramel coming out of the body, how sweet is it!

As they park the car at church ---- wait a minute, this pudding thing is actually all religious. Elderly, children, aboriginal, chorus(?), I'm all-singing all-dancing crap of the world. This is the cruelest torture, you knew I understand the science, I read the history, I'm just not the correct person to be there.

Smile, take a mask, polite-mode will do.

"The gentleman over there, would you please pass me the XXX ?" "Nevermind, after you, lady." "It's a pleasure to know you." Argh, this is so fake, I feel guilty, especially Aussie greeting ---- How's going ? Shall I tell you, I'm not part of your cell group, I'm much cleverer than you monkeys ?

Yohko is silent, pretends cannot speak English well, and so I pretend her brother. Only Kieran is busy talking to the priest and councilor. I could hardly hear the conversation, sounds like he is familiar here, I ask "This is the church you always come few years ago ?"

"Sometimes, at first, just for the parking" replied in Jap, of course ( ̄▽ ̄).

It finally over, we get back to the car, I figure out what it is.

Yohko said this is the worst chorus ever, almost couldn't help and laughed it out. Kieran recalled his school age, he screamed "God is dead" at his friend's place.(I forget, after all, his major is philosophy.)

Actually it is about Yohko's citizenship, there is too many bad record of fake marriage immigration, it would be handy if they got the church support.

I said, thank you for the treat. Kieran laughed crazily, couldn't handle the steering properly.

Yet, we have our faith to fight for. Equity/Free will/A better life, Whatever.
. . . . .

"His name is Robert Paulson."

"His name is Robert Paulson."

"His name is Robert Paulson."