you can swear and curse the fates, but when it comes to the end, you have to let go.
Counting the day by day, feel that we are so apart now. We both know, to me, it is not going to be long, but think about you, you told me, it gonna take some more days.
The more I think about it, the more I feel we aren't goin make it happen.
以前 d 電影,發生完 d 好大件事,結尾時主角咬住口煙,收音機播新聞,報導既唔係咩野大件事,而係交通呀、娛樂呀、天氣之類既日常事。代表事情已經告一段落,漸漸地人都忘記左,無人會提。
oh why...oh why... we spent good times and we knew each other(oh why...) Had this situation changed, if we have possibilty ?(oh why...) Why did we say goodbye... ? (Just tell me how you think about it)
喜歡你的微笑 還有那些無聊的爛笑話
會是誰先留意到風聲愈來愈近 ?
無論做什麼 日夜都非常不安 想要回到以前的關係 就像一道溝壑
一到明日 就會變成陌生人 所有所有能一筆抹去就好了
*鐘擺一直搖晃著 *一線牽著我最後的希望 *為何你突然又要將之斬斷 ? *焦慮得我胸口都要裂開了 *為彼此 我們都試過、錯過 、覺悟到 *雖然明白 卻又迷妄 *其實這樣真的好嗎? *We might have the possibility
伸出你的手 觸摸我的臉頰 那體溫便會急升40℃ 回想起我們兩人相遇的瞬間 可現在都變了
心中滿是猜忌 阻擋你的言語 就像心中的 filter 讓人什麼都聽不見 有如迷霧中 什麼都看不見
* repeat
時常擔心提點的說話都好囉嗦 誤會都是由這些小事而起 本應可以避免的
只是想留下美好回憶而已 事到如今這個抉擇也是沒辦法呀
不要再對我好了 反而更覺悲慘
If I told you that I'm nothing without your love 不是你的話就沒什麼意思了
* repeat
每一次再夢見你 都在一起 重現以往每個一起的 birthday 都不會褪色
Baby 雖然什麼都不會實現了 Never gonna change my love Oh why...oh why...oh why...
還在待你的身邊 why ? I decided not to call you 也不會再見你了 都說過了好多次 卻又 Thinking about you all the time
我們相遇的過程 Won't you tell me why? 複雜的LOVE 都不需要了 但是一個人的 Time 卻又想聽到 Your voice
※ Why are you running away from this? ※ You should be true to your feelings ※ I say 不想再錯失 No way ※ But is it already too late ?
△ KiSS KiSS xxx △ 第一次的 This Feeling △ KiSS KiSS xxx △ 快要停止了 My heart △ 比起任何人 任何事 △ 更能明白這心情 △ I just cant stop
KiSS KiSS xxx 想要忘掉 This Feeling KiSS KiSS xxx 因為心會痛 But I'm blinded I'm Addicted 無法從現實逃離開來 一瞬的 Our Happiness
沒有你在的時間 Oh it feel so long 經常 Confusion Is this wrong? 這樣的 Situation 令人無可奈何
若是誰受傷的話 Let's stop right now 不要走 Please Don't leave me 其實很想這樣說、 but 我卻不夠堅強
※ repeat △ repeat
o KiSS KiSS xxx o 顫抖的嘴唇 o KiSS KiSS xxx o 最後一次 o 嘗到淚水的味道 o 可惜的 Timing o 預料到的 Ending
Every time you try to run away My heart will feel like gonna stop I just dunno why, but I really want to see you again Am I doing the wrong thing, I really don't know Right now, I don't care
食飯果時,你爸同我講,做會計鬼咁辛苦,俾人當係廉價勞工,仲要受氣,我點點頭,其實都知咩野一回事。你話所以想轉行,我問轉咩,你話做 finance,我差 d 噴茶,唔係都係果 d 野咩 囧。你係我見過最 technical 既女人,無諗過有女人有咁多既電腦知識,不過聽到你話已經報左考試,我都係收埋無講原本想講既野,嗯,只要你鐘意就得。
講下講下,講到起 Perth 打工,你爸話呢度物價高好難生活,你就話有車做油站都唔知幾好,我心諗要你少姐做油站又點得丫。你想返黎,一講起呢個話題你就有 D 炆,要返香港,好多都係來自你屋企既壓力,我都知既。我捉住你手,叫你唔好勞氣。
好多野想同你傾,都無講到,好似你去加拿大丫,或者當初點解會黎到 Perth丫,其實最想知既係,你中文係咪都係咁差,因為最初識你時,你同我講唔知 Central 叫中環,而且你坐起車上時又真係唔識分左右,只知 left right。睇返你寫既野,又唔似丫。其實都唔重要,我都有一樣野呃左你。
起車裡面,播 Aiko 住既歌,你話好聽,我知你鐘意,係你話返黎果時我就一早整左隻 Aiko 既 CD 放起車上。
就係咁,幾日好快過左 lu,成日都想話你,做野總係無 plan,亂糟糟咁,原本同你 plan 好果 d 野都無晒影。但係你起我身邊,我又點拾得話你呢。 . . . . .
上年四月在 Music Japan 節目上看到這位 MiChi 的 live 演出《All about the Girls~いいじゃんか Party People~》,好長的曲名 ( ̄▽ ̄),加上其貌不揚,沒什麼特別好感,就是記得節奏感不錯,用詞特別,不過這樣而已,之後出場的 Perfume 比較大吸引力。
其後無意中取得到這張《UP TO YOU》,嗯嗯,MiChi 這名字哪裡見過有些印象,放來聽聽。
1. MadNesS Vol. 1 ♪♪ 2. PROMiSE ♪♪♪ 3. ChaNge the WoRLd ♪♪♪ 4. Why oh Why 5. HEy GirL 6. KISS KISS xxx ♪♪♪ 7. RaiN 8. Oh Oh... ♪♪ 9. Something Missing ♪♪♪ 10. One of a kind 11. WoNDeRLaND 12. Shibuya de punch ♪ 13. YOU ♪ 14. UP TO YOU ♪♪♪♪
本名 Michiko Sellars,英日混血兒,風格也是以 rock 為主,有點像木村カエラ耶? 不過音樂詣藝比木村高得多了。原為獨立樂手,作曲、作詞都自己一手包辦,先後推出過幾 single,反應不錯,也有被用作 CM 歌,之後簽約 SONY 推出 album 《UP TO YOU》,沒什麼名氣仍登上 oricon 第 4 位。
印象深刻的是,就是短短一個 intro MadNesS Vol. 1 也很有趣味,完全可以當作獨立的一曲來聽。全碟都是輕快的 rock 風格為主,完全沒有金屬,反而多了一份清新朝氣。
One day, I drove all the way down the town, to the Sony Style Shop.
Before I was quite knowledgeable on this, but since been to this Perth, I am so outdated with technology, I miss my YAMAHA system so much. Watching all those LCD, plasma, 3D TV, I feel so fascinated. Somehow I dun see what they are playing to delight customers, instead thinking about us. It isn't a bad idea after all. How would it be ??
May be we shouldn't do window-shopping like this, we should just download the catalog and click on Amazon. And the next day, we have it delivered straight and away.
More than impressive, you are getting mature, not kiddo anymore. Yes, you are damn right, I am living too young, only on the outside. This is so unfair, isn't it like The Curious Case of Benjamin ?
U2, did you do inception to me ?? You are always in my mind.
By some means, we are both born to be noble, so we have our tragedy of family coming. How ironic it is, we pretend so charming, but inside, so pathetic.
Could it be we are not made to love, but to lose.
How long do we have to suffer from such cursed fate ? So that we are free to love ?