想起來,fcuk 的存在本身就夠玩味。由百年戰爭到拿破崙,從歐洲本土到遠洋爭霸,英國和法國根本就是水火不容。現在弄一個 French Connection 但來自 UK,好比在日本攪個 Chinese Connection JP,叫人哭笑不得。來來來,快點大罵一句 what the fcuk is wrong with you! 氣死你了沒有 ?
Oh Sister My Dear, how dare you are, keep laughing at my Enoki Mushroom head. It was not my idea but Vicky's, I know I look like something overage school boy now, but I am NOT going to fix it no matter what~
Gotta admit that I always have the talent. So, come everyday and visit me @ ifc C!TY, recognize me for my Enoki Mushroom head and sun goggle burnt on my face (i.e. 反白熊貓).
But please, dun make me do the cruelest thing to you, Sister, You Honor. . . . . .
I'd never thought one conversation would arise such a big affair, all people have been talking about K & K2 all these days. Thx you people broadcasting rumors over me when I am not there.
What's wrong with having different experience other than ordinary shop/work/rest-loop HKer ?
嗱,當佢音樂咁聽。我聽到笛聲、敲擊樂同木結他組合出o既 background 印度風配搭,係唔錯o既。返去首歌本身,雖則呢首係快歌,但係我唔 suppose 佢地咁樣一輪嘴口 up up 就算係唱歌囉,完全聽唔出有高低起伏。應該都要歸咎作曲身上,旋律 K 歌到極但求順口,白白浪費比較少見o既印度風配樂。中間加插男聲 da da da 更加係攞命,想點呀大佬 ? 歌詞唔見得特別挑逗,起碼聽唔到有男女器官或者邊款花式o既暗示明示。
個 MV 就真係有色心無膽,到喉唔到肺,身上衫布都多過人,仲期望刺激 D 添o架,無肉搏大動作都唔該排隻舞黎睇睇丫好嗎 ? 都知香港禁忌特別多,整激 D 又投訴又淫審,學唔到人地 Beyonce 同 Shkira 架啦~~睇在都算養眼,麻甩佬收唔收貨先 ?