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Monday, March 5


平常既晚上, apartment 附近既空地有兩個不速之客.

I am just a sitting duck, no, sitting chicken !

兩個法國女人, 好像是些 Freelance 攝影帥 + 作家什麼似的, 工作是到處流浪拍照寫作, 今次任務係一個月內以西岸為起點, 驅車圍繞VV國一周, 剛剛路過海邊小鎭, 想搵個地方休息下, 聽朝再上路(*). “聯合國”即席開啤歡迎. 咁又吹水吹左一晚~

大家素未謀面, 我係住客, 高床軟枕; 你係過客, 今晚訓車廂. 幾罐啤酒, 大家暢所欲言. 法國人就係咁有趣.

這裡人人按本旨辦事, 日日朝九晚五, OT? No way!. 超市唔賣油魚, 無人會係職場上搏殺. 這裡沒有潮流這回事, 短褲配白襪是理所當然的, 方圓一千里只有一間 DIESEL. 得閒走出露台, 架起吊床, 打開報紙, 飲啖咖啡嘆下茶.

德國佬話 “It is just like an ordinary small village.”
我話 “HK is just a crazy metropolis XC====”

(*)黃耀明既<上路>, 不過佢地中文只係識一句 “我係法國人”

2 comment:

Anonymous said...

HK is actually the hell. People have lived in the hell for very long times and educated to accept the hell.

宇宙人 said...

I still prefer living in metropolis rather than a small village, where people are still using 56k modem connection.

Living in Paris may be kinda rush and lesuire mixture