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Wednesday, December 30

NO (I am)

4 comment

Patricia 話我似呢個女仔丫,搞到我笑到肚痛 囧
. . . . .

F: 有無睇 Lady GAGA 新 MV
K2: 勁騎呢果個丫嘛
F: 膠衫 (高登 ICON)
K2: 直頭係 膠 X GA tim la !!
F: 咩 X ?
K2: 我唔記得點寫個中文, GAOGAIGAR 個 GAI ?
F: 你想講"膠皆GA"呀 ??
K2: yes !! shit.....
F: 日文漢字都有啦 ? 咁都唔記得 ?
K2: (羅馬拼音) mi na.....
F: (高登 ICON)

一段長時間唔寫 blog ,我就快連中文都唔識寫的了。
. . . . .

Funky Town days here, are far more artistic


Thursday, December 24

may be tomorrow

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It is getting better and better.


Really get so lazy to an extreme level.

I almost abundant this blog, so does my camera.

Even worse, feel like my eyes can't discover any memorable scene, can't capture anything with the shutter. Dun get me wrong, it is not about anyone.

Will make it up to you, sooner or later.

Sunday, December 13

NOBODY (あなた以外)

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I'm just so lazy, to login facebook, to write something else.
Dun even wanna think about it.


Uh ... Oh why ?
I gonna say to you BYEBYE baby
I gonna miss you so much....
GOODBYE ---- Oh why ?