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Sunday, July 29


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Q1) 飛行機題:
哪一型轟炸機在進行空中加油時飛行員可以看雜誌 ? (提示:已退役的型號)

Q2) 常識題:
廁所和戰爭有什麼關係 ?

Q3) 歷史題:
你還會不會買 GUCCI ? (有什麼關係? 囧)

圖片、原文轉自 沙场一笑

又,Diesel 都係自意大利。

reference link:

Thursday, July 26


1 comment
K2: How do u know I am ?
Vicki: Hmmm~ Cos I know u are~

大概即使我玩 punk 也是一樣 -w-
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到底有多久了-- 已經七年了吧 ?

我是怎樣向你發脾氣,你又記得嗎 ?

. . . . .

遺憾的是,有關我的,你最記得竟是我幹那個◆◆、★★ 和 ◎◎ Σ(  ̄Д ̄; )
不是這樣啦~ 我成長了,尤其是這半年,真的哦。
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Zodiac 1896, Alphonse Mucha

白羊: No Data
金牛: No Data
雙子: 雙重性人格還不及我們雙魚吧。
巨蟹: No Data
獅子: No Data
處女: No Data
天秤: 你們除了注重外表還會懂什麼 ? 失望透了(不計男人)
天蠍: 都是這樣瘋狂的,反正我就是喜歡那樣的激情
射手: 水與火,根本合不來。
摩羯: 識的都很專一、認真也很有信用,我很欣賞,真的。
水瓶: 不知怎的,我和水瓶座都很有緣。
雙魚: 同姓三分親吧,雙魚的朋友都很要好。

早就講過從來都唔信星座 d 咁o既野,死都唔信,運情都唔睇。

我唔否認有 d 雙魚座特質,好似感性呀、神經質呀、溫柔呀(!?)、觸覺敏銳呀諸如此類咁。但係我絕對唔會係發白日夢 + 憂柔寡斷 + 不切實際嗰囉。

咁水瓶同雙子又算點呢 ?

人o既野咁複雜,點可以咁兒嬉o既呢 ??

曾幾何時真係想過做一次全面o既 statistic 記低晒所有交往過o既人星座,用 Gaussian Distibution 黎分析(仲複雜 囧)。

回到最根本o既問題,就算計一大輪得出結論天秤o既人係特別唔夾,都唔表示下一個天秤都係咁o架嘛 ? 雙魚係夾,但係多數無好結果,一二三(第四就~ 呵 ~),不過都得承認雙魚普遍都係比較痴線 (゚∀゚),而且對紫色都有種情意結。

人o既野,有定律o既嗎 ??

reference link:

Wednesday, July 18

Je m'ennuie de toi

4 comment
人地話都唔明點解 coldplay 咁紅,類似o既 Band 呢度大把,懶人多就自然o岩果隻 Feel。

K2 你就真係無出息,黎到仲係日日聽日文歌,同 D 去到外國仲最掛住 Stephy、晚晚Download《勁歌今曲》o既港燦有咩分別?

. . . . .

Prima Rosa

01. Ramblin' ♪
02. 君の声 ♪♪
03. 晴れた日は・・・ ♪
04. Dragonfly ♪♪
05. サイケデリック*フューチャー ♪♪♪
06. Camellia-カメリア- (PRIMA ROSA Version) ♪♪♪
07. Destiny -太陽の花- ♪♪
08. パラハの女 ♪♪♪
09. 恋水 -tears of love-
10. PASIO ~パッシオ
11. El Dorado ♪
12. 春待人 ♪♪♪
13. Brand New Dream

《Ramblin'》歌頌真愛,《君の声》係本人拿手o既朝日陽光類,《Dragonfly》第一次搖滾 Fing 頭。活潑輕快 Oldies Jazz《サイケデリック*フューチャー》根本就係 Neva Eva 試作型。《Camellia》再續 orchestral crossover 變奏曲玩法。《パラハの女》東歐民族風同《El Dorado》o既西班牙舞曲。仲有《春待人》以傳統日本風格唱出春天朝氣勃勃o既景色。

Fabulous & Fashionable,非常之多元化,全碟無一首歌會 skip。

. . . . .

01. Color of Life ♪♪
03. Remember Lady ♪♪♪
04. TYO
05. 太陽がくれたプレゼント ♪♪
06. Stay in my heart
07. 月
08. SHININ'~虹色のリズム~ ♪♪♪
09. 砂の城
10. Angel
11. We are the music
14. 星の銀貨 ♪♪

呀,MISIA 你都要主打電子風格,宇多田上年o既《Ultra Blue》即刻相形見拙。

由《Color of Life》跳舞樂曲開跑。《Remember Lady》以電子樂為主體,襯以晶螢通透o既音樂盒式配樂 ,《SHININ'~虹色のリズム~》旋律本身好有森巴 feel, 一直 loop 幾段歌詞,主菜係背後由 Guitar 同 Drum 主導o既配樂,好七色繽紛,可以話係新嘗試 (當然 MISIA 演出有幾強勁無需置疑)。兩首配樂音色都做得好豐富,尤其係結他非常搶耳,仲以為係 Eric Clapton 上身。雖然係電子主打,但係中段一樣唔少得感情十足o既慢板情歌,最後幾加返另一強項 R&B。MISIA 仍然係 MISIA。

. . . . .
YES, 中島美嘉

01. I LOVE YOU(Album Ver.)
02. 見えない星
03. 素直なまま
07. BLACK & BLUE ♪♪♪
08. JOY
10. MY SUGAR CAT ♪♪♪
11. 汚れた花 ♪♪
13. 祈念歌 ♪

唔知係咪前世有仇,你咁多隻大碟 D 主打歌,什麼《雪之華》我全部唔鐘意。一來本身係唔太好慢歌,二來中島美嘉唱得好悶、無變化。不過咁,你 D Jazz 我又真係好鐘意,好有懷舊 feel,特別係《Love Addict》真係百聽不厭。你話丫~唔計正統玩 Jazz 果 D,一般日本偶像/歌手有幾多個成日有 Jazz 作品推出 ?? (知o既唔該話我知 囧)

《Black & Blue》全碟少有比較另類o既火爆快歌,充滿性意味同女權意識,好似一直同你講: 男人收聲,今晚女人話晒事~。《MY SUGAR CAT》明顯係前作《Whip & Carrot》o既延續,典型o既浪漫 Jazz 樂曲。《THE DIVIDING LINE》出奇地,聽得輕鬆舒服o既中板慢歌。無左類似《蜘蛛の糸》o既神秘色彩,加入極有田園氣息(直頭有少少土味)o既《GOING BACK HOME》,反而有驚喜。 至於《WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD》就唔多講了,連編曲都係用最舊果隻。
. . . . .

點解偏偏今個三月咁多碟出 ??

Sunday, July 15

Mission 0 -- Herbal Shock

3 comment
. . . . .

You wanna make omelet, you gotta break some egg.

你又知唔知個呢個樽有咩鬼用 ? (例: ♂●●杯?)
. . . . .



你眼中的我是這樣幸福,我卻不但沒和你分甘同味,不知足之餘仲不斷向你施加壓力,還那樣頑皮的戲弄你(O, u know it was so green envy)。沒法子,我們其實都很自私。請你原諒我的孩子氣。



Thursday, July 12

one lazy morning (ver.L2)

3 comment
Got a Devil's haircut.
Vicki the artist in the salon next to my apartment is really something, I like her~
. . . . .

It is just another lazy morning

-Reporters share their own family life in the morning show.
-Give a toast for somebody u know, together. e.g. brother is getting married, patient recovering, mother giving birth to baby.
-Rise glasses for a new victory of the team you are fan of.
-TVs in the bank playing cookery show, instead of most update finance intelligence.
-Lucy Liu is your goddess, you can see her everywhere.

Refresh your day with a magic.

Life is simple, enjoy~
. . . . .

You evil.
Everyone talk to you, everyone give a damn to you, only me the exception now, satisfication ?

Oh fool, it's easy for you.

Actually, I need something sadness therapy.

. . . . .

英文粗口講太多,當要同人談判時就會自然地想 Shout it all on their faces.

我也有軟弱的時候,讓我耍賴一下好嗎 ?

Friday, July 6

Not your tea cup among the tempest

0 comment
Why none of Chinese/HK blog, forum nor newsgroup I usually visit mention about the serial car bomb attack in UK ?

Two car bombs found in West End

Bomb experts dismantled the first bomb manually
Reaction to bomb plot
Police have confirmed they are now investigating the discovery of two car bombs in the West End of London.

Police said the second device had been found in a Mercedes hours after the car was given a parking ticket in Cockspur Street and towed to Park Lane.

Another Mercedes, with a bomb made up of 60 litres of petrol, gas cylinders and nails, had been found outside a nightclub in Haymarket at 0130 BST.

Both bombs were similar, potentially viable and clearly linked, police said.

'Troubling discovery'

At a news conference on Friday evening, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Peter Clarke, head of Scotland Yard's counter-terrorism command, said the discovery of the second device was "obviously troubling" and "reinforces the need for the public to be alert".

"There was a considerable amount of fuel and gas canisters, as in the first vehicle. There was also a substantial quantity of nails," he said.

Speaking earlier about the first bomb, DAC Clarke said: "It is obvious that if the device had detonated there could have been serious injury or loss of life."

Police sources said it would have caused "carnage" if it had exploded.

"International elements" were believed to have been involved with the bombs, Whitehall sources told the BBC.

The government's emergencies committee, known as Cobra, will be meeting on Saturday morning to discuss the attempted bombings, the BBC's political editor Nick Robinson said.

The meeting could be chaired by either Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who is not cancelling any planned engagements, or Home Secretary Jacqui Smith.

Mr Brown said Britain faced "a serious and continuous threat" and the public needed "to be alert" at all times.

Petrol smell

The second bomb was found several hours after bomb disposal experts had defused the first bomb outside the busy Tiger Tiger nightclub in Haymarket.

It was discovered in a blue 280E model Mercedes in a Park Lane car pound, where it had been towed after being given a ticket for illegally parking in Cockspur Street, near Trafalgar Square.

Police were alerted after staff who had heard about the Haymarket bomb noticed a strong smell of petrol coming from it.

Park Lane was closed for much of the afternoon while bomb squad officers checked the vehicle. It was eventually reopened at 1930 BST.

The Haymarket area was also cordoned off as police carried out forensic searches.

Officers had been alerted to the first bomb by an ambulance crew who had been called to Tiger Tiger nightclub to deal with a separate incident.

They had spotted smoke - now believed to have been vapour from the petrol in the car - inside a metallic green Mercedes parked outside the club.

Bomb experts manually disabled the device.

Scotland Yard declined to comment on reports a mobile phone was found in the Mercedes that may have been intended to trigger the explosion.

Forensic tests

Mobiles have been used to detonate bombs in Iraq and Indonesia and in other terror attacks, such as the 2004 Madrid bombings.

0125 Ambulance crew called to Tiger Tiger club to treat sick person. Crew notice smoke from metallic green Mercedes outside
0200 Police cordon off area while explosives officers examine vehicle
0230 Blue Mercedes parked illegally in Cockspur Street, near Haymarket
0330 Blue Mercedes taken to car pound in Park Lane
Police disable device in green Mercedes.
0400 Witness sees police removing gas canisters from green Mercedes
1000 Prime Minister Gordon Brown says country faces "serious threat"
1025 Green Mercedes removed from Haymarket
1030 Government emergency response committee Cobra meets
1430 Park Lane closed off as police investigate second car
2045 Police confirm second car contained bomb material
All times BST

Both cars have been taken away for forensic examination and CCTV footage from Haymarket is being analysed. Police are believed to be making some progress towards producing an image of the driver.

The attempted car bombings have echoes of other foiled terror plots.

Five men were jailed for life in April for a UK bomb plot linked to al-Qaeda that targeted a shopping centre and a nightclub with a giant fertiliser bomb.

And Dhiren Barot was jailed for life last November for conspiring to park limousines packed with gas canisters underneath high-profile buildings before detonating them.

DAC Clarke said it was too early to say who was responsible but the Haymarket incident "resonated" with previous cases.

Speaking in Downing Street after meeting the prime minister and the new Home Office minister for security, Admiral Sir Alan West, Home Secretary Jacqui Smith urged members of the public to report anything suspicious to the police.

The BBC's Andy Tighe said the timing of the car bombs was significant coming two days after Mr Brown became prime minister, and with the second anniversary of the 7 July bombings approaching.

The current terror threat level has been classed severe - one level lower than the highest "critical" - since 14 August 2006.

Extra patrols

Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Tarique Ghaffur urged people to be "alert and vigilant" and report anything suspicious to police.

Disruption would be kept to a minimum, he said, although the police were reviewing the safety of big public events taking place in the capital over the weekend.

"I want to reassure Londoners that we are doing everything possible to make them safe," he added.

Following Friday's discoveries, police patrols in central London were stepped up "to provide a visible reassurance", rather than in response to a specific threat.

Officers were visiting licensed premises to reiterate crime prevention and safety advice, said a police spokesman.

May be the media will do so if somebody get killed over there. May be people are still keeping their eyes on Yumiko's nipple thing. May be, that's why I am here not by your side right now, I can never agree people's shallow vision of the bloody metropolis.

reference link:

Tuesday, July 3


2 comment
咕咕卡嘩啦~ 古爸爸~
ヽ(°▽ ° )乂( ° ▽°)ノ カッコイイ!!!


Honey Together

IMG_1517 IMG_1526

Like the way you do

1 comment

The Kiss. 1907-1908. Gustav Klimt.
The Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna, Austria.

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