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Sunday, December 31


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06 review

實質係邊個推薦我上去都唔知,最大可能係 Thomas Chan,點都好,真係非常之感謝 MH Cheung俾機會我轉去 SIP dept.

由始至終都係 Wing Po 主動搵我: 漏夜飛的,一日出入醫院五次,朝早六點先有得訓,為奴為婢,呼之則來,揮之則去. 我都算係學到 d 野, 以前遺忘左既野. 其實到最後我都無恨過討厭過佢,只係我實在太累. 只可以祝佢幸福 ... 廢話, 係可預見既將來佢都無可能會有幸福開心既日子過.
原諒我, 只怪我已經無能力再幫妳 ...
(let me appreciate those cheer me up at that period, no matter in the real or on the net)

決定接受一份咁既差事, 為左我既未來, 唔可以退縮. 反正時間好快會過, 完成之後, 就擁有唔輸俾人既智識同力量.

柔道升級, 算係 senior 吧, 換左條帶, 感覺上自己都好似叻左, 事實上好多動作都好有進步.家明教練真係一個好好既
教練. <(_ _)>

偏偏係 e 個時候, 兩年無見既 TSUI 突然搵我, 佢唔討厭兩年前既我. 算吧, 反正我已經唔係兩前既我. 不過佢好似無咩變, 仲係同以前一樣. 我都會好好珍惜 e 份友誼.
偏偏又係 e 個時候, sailor V 既出現 ... 偏偏係最唔夠時間既時候, 至少想還錢俾佢, 其實事情應該唔會向最差既一邊發展... 掛... 只不過...

最後係竟然開始寫 blog

嗯, 都差唔多, 要出門口, 反正又係一個白痴約會 :p

The cafe

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e+ d cafe 開到成行成市, 一個旺角已經有百幾二百(以前既網吧咪又係咁), 諗唔到竟然有一間叫 music cafe 會咁特別

老闆親自 set 左套三十幾萬既 hi fi, 播既當然唔係垃圾 k 歌, 大部分都係 jazz

野食算一般啦, 唔期望 e 個 cafe 熱潮中既其中一員會有咩野特別好食
俾得 $100一個人, 我去食龜井或者齋滕師傅既烏冬麵好過~
不過個蕃茄湯幾好, I'm so impressed~
仲有賣 90 蚊一杯既咖啡, 聽講以前仲要過百蚊.

現場睇住老闆煮咖啡同講解, 完全唔識煮野食既大少爺就真係無野好 comment, 一句"佢都幾識吹水"囧

事實上又真係幾吹得水(最衰係客人面前食煙), 有時幾有 point, 有 d 就 ....
提到招牌<魔鬼咖啡>, 我問果 d 係咩野咖啡, 佢只係話新鮮咖啡.我心諗, 唔識都知,咖啡係好有研究既學問,收人90 蚊唔係e個答案就算呀?

比較在意係 d 音樂同 hi fi, 有機會再同人去,真係要帶埋自己d cd 去...如果仲有時間...既話...

Saturday, December 30


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Thursday, December 28

The Lyre Bird

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Thx to earthquake, no MSN or connection to the outer world these days, but youtube is still serving very well.
I've got something really funny, David Attenborough's show, a familiar face u see on Discovery Channel, and also a famous biologist.
One of the best of his works, it's the Lyre Bird imitating different sound it heard, including other birds, animal, even sound of mankind's machine. Can anyone do this ?

Ho Ho... Question here~ how does the Lyre Bird sing if someone playing pornographic movie nearby ? :-p

Wednesday, December 27

I do think :p

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May be I should write some more about knowledge and cultural, to show people I have taste and I think :p


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終於找到<海邊的卡夫卡 >

小說呢 ... 好像中三就沒再看了, 之後看的就是陶傑的散文, 其餘的都是技術性的, 還有自然科學和哲學(只限邏輯哲學, 形而上的東西我很沒軌). 突然再拿起小說, 看的好吃力...

進度大概只有 8 分 1, 感覺好像 X-FILES某一些單元故事, 特別是 1944 年那時的事, 似是想要布置一個錯綜複雜的伏筆.

是我想多了? 那個叫烏鴉的少年的描寫, 很零碎, 就是一時他在卡夫卡身邊說話, 下一段一舜間又完全沒有提到他的存在. 我在猜... 其實會不會只是卡夫卡的心理投射出來的一個虛構人物呢 ? 像是電影 Fightclub 的 Brad Pitt, 或是 Castaway 中 Tom Hanks 的 Wilson

旅行的部分很寫意, 能夠這樣放浪自己到日本旅行也不賴吧....

只是和那個"姐姐"的相遇 ... 曲髮, 耳環, 項鍊, 矮小(笑), 那種莫名其妙又似曾相識
某方面我也有點像卡夫卡本人吧 ("說話不多"這點絕對不像)


事情是這樣簡單就好了...真想快點再見到她呢 ...

Friday, December 22

Lips in violet

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Dept. Christmas party. Boss speech, lucky draw, chin-chin cheers, shark fin, crabs, shake hands, clap hands.

Got a $500 cash present, but there is the price ----- everyone wins got to drink. Last time I drink should be 1 year ago at Tony's home

Luckily, they got muscat, not beer
The taste is good, fruity, fragrant, easy to drink.
Totally 2 full glasses of muscat, I never think I can make it, conscious, no cry, no vommit. XC=====

My face and eyes are totally redden, and my lips are dyed into deep violet, with my own whiteness color, u can imagine a vampire.
Luckily, not many girls nor ladies saw me like this......

Father w/ the watch

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Finally met dad these days
$200 spending in Japanese Restaurant, he doesn't have to pay the bill, I can afford it since I am making my own money now, back then I am still a child in his eyes.

My old man gave me a Seiko chronography, it has a mark of Caltex Co.

"This special Seiko watch, with engraved Caltex logo, is presented to you in recognition of your contribution to Asia Pacific Marketing attaining 3,000,000 employee manhours without a Days Away From Work case from August 2004 through May 2005"
--Bob Hxxx, vice president for Marketing, Asia-Pacific

wow ..... this watch is to appreciate that dad's contribution done for the company, like a medal, salute an elite staff. I dun know I am the right person to take such a memorial present. I will be always proud of my dad.

Apart from the honor, the watch itself is selling at $1400 outsides, but ..... I still gotta posses a CITIZEN Radio Control or Eco Drive anyway, no escape.