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Saturday, January 3

恋の売り込み (推銷自己)

Dynamite out 東京事変

Woooo ━(゚∀゚)━

I'm gonna knock on your door
Ring on your bell
Tap on your window, too
If you don't come out tonight, when the moon is bright
I'm gonna knock and ring and tap until you do

I'm gonna knock on your door
Call out your name
Wake up the town, you'll see
I'm gonna hoo-hoot and howl like the lovesick owl ⊙▽⊙
Until you say you're gonna come out with me

Hey~ little girl !! ━(゚∀゚)━
This ain't no time to sleep
Let's count kisses ( * ̄з ̄) 'stead of countin' sheep
How ? (˚ Д ˚||) How can I hold ya near ?
With you up there and me down here ?

I'm gonna knock on your door
Ring on your bell, tap on your window, too
If you don't come out tonight when the moon is bright
I'm gonna knock and ring and tap until you do


Hey~ little girl !! ━(゚∀゚)━
This ain't no time to sleep
Let's count kisses ( * ̄з ̄) 'stead of countin' sheep
How ? (˚ Д ˚||)how can I hold ya near ?
With you up there and me down here ?

I'm gonna knock on your door
Ring on your bell, tap on your window, too
If you don't come out tonight, when the moon is bright
I'm gonna knock and ring and tap until you do

I'm gonna knock and ring and tap
And knock and ring and tap
And knock and ring and tap
And knock and ring until you do
. . . . .

負責 Keyboard 的 HZM,會轉圈,好可愛 !
━(゚∀゚)━( ゚∀)━(  ゚)━(  )━(゚  )━(∀゚ )━(゚∀゚)━

. . . . .


其實我好懷念以前在 13/F 工作的部門。

再過一年,又有一人晉升了。那不是很好嗎 ? 但是嘛,一山藏不了二虎,才一個部門二十人容得下幾多個 Senior。說著,我就按著 Corvus 叫他不用一一陳述,任誰都知變成怎麼樣了,為難了Junior 們呢。


『話說回來,你肩上那麼一條長頭髮....怎樣回事 ?』


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